合肥环球教育11月份雅思写作预测 - 预测.点评 - 合肥环球教育   


2023-11-06 |

一, 大作文预测






1, Researches show that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising for food products should be banned, in the same way as the cigarette advertising is banned in many countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2, In some countries, TV programs are transmitted throughout day and night. Is it a positive or negative development?



3, Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number of students. As new technology is now available for education, some people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4, In recent years, the pressures placed upon students in schools and university is increasing and they are pushed to work hard from a young age. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

5, Some experts think that all students should learn musical instruments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6, Some people think only students who achieve the best results should be rewarded, while others think it is more important to reward students who get huge improvement. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



7, In developing countries, some people think the government should introduce new technology to people in order to improve quality of life, while others believe the government should offer free education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

8, The difference of age gap is greater between parents and their children. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

9, City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today, and the sense of community has been lost. Why did this happen? And how can this be solved?

10, With growing population in cities, more and more people live in a home with small or no outdoor areas. Is it a positive or negative development?

11, Some people argue that governments should not pay money for the international aids when there are some disadvantaged people in their own country, such as the homeless and the unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12, Nowadays, the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider in some countries of the world. What problems can this situation cause? What solutions should be taken?





13, Some people believe that it is the responsibility of politicians rather than individuals to reduce the global environmental damage. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14, Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




15, Some people think governments should spend money on measures to save languages with few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

16, It is unnecessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. Instead, we can learn from books, films and Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

17, We have a mixture of people from different cultures and ethnic groups in a country. Is it a positive or negative development?




18, Some people suggest that people at old age should continue to work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

19, In some countries, it is illegal for employers to reject job applications for job seekers’ ages. Is it a positive or negative development?




20, Many people think there is a general increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this? And what solutions do you suggest?


二, 小作文预测







1, 动态图







It is depicted in this line chart how numbers of tourists who visited a certain Caribbean island had changed in 7 years between 2010 and 2017. The figures in this graph (measured in the millions) are sorted into three categories (visitors staying on cruise ships, visitors staying on island, and the total number).


Primarily, the total number of visitors had constantly increased from 1.0 to 2.7 million in the first 5 years, and then it remained stable for one year. Finally, the last year witnessed a noticeable sudden growth to its peak at 3.5 million.


Besides, in terms of the number of tourists who stayed on island, after the first year’s stability at 0.7 million it grew up rapidly to 1.5 million in 2013, and thereafter a two-year’s plateau emerged, followed by a slight decline and a moderate recovery. By contrast, the number of travelers staying on cruise ships showed a different but simpler trend. Despite the initial fluctuation over the first two years, it continuously rose up, with a starting figure at 0.3 million in 2012 and peaking at 2.0 million in 2017. It overtook and then outnumbered the number of those staying on island after 2015.


To sum up, over the 7 years period, both the numbers of tourists staying on island and on cruise ships were generally on the increase, so the total number correspondingly ascended throughout this period.


2, 流程图




The working theory of utilizing geothermal energy to produce electricity is demonstrated by this flow chart.   


Initially, cold water will be pumped into the injection well, which is underground at the depth of around 4.5 kilometers. After being injected, cold water will flow through the geothermal zone, where it will be heated by hot rocks. After becoming hot water, it will be kept in the production well. Thereafter, through pipes, the hot water will be pumped again up to a condenser on the ground.


Then, the hot water in this condenser will emit steam with high temperature. Being powered by the steam, the turbine begins spinning. Subsequently, the generator will be driven by the spinning turbine, thus producing electricity. Thereafter, the electricity from the generator will be transported to the grid for all users.  


To sum up, the flow chart reveals how geothermal energy is used for generating electricity in five sequential stages. During the whole process, cold water will be heated and release steam which is able to power the generator. This is how the whole process functions.


三, 分享一个“诡异”的大作文


Some scientists believe that intelligent life forms may exist on other planets and some want to send messages to contact them. Others think it is a bad idea because these life forms may be too dangerous. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Scientists in some space research institutes have been sending messages to some corners of universe since the time that they were able to do that. However, the possible consequences of doing so, seemingly, have not been carefully analyzed yet.  


Primarily, building connection with other intelligent species with humans' current technology does require an incredibly high cost. This is to say, tremendous funding ought to be utilized for related technology research and the establishment of some certain facilities, instead of being used for solving some livelihood problems on the earth. Even though mankind is trying to set up a connection with aliens who are living several light years away and are obviously less civilized with less advanced technology, due to the limited space technology that humans currently have, we would be able to do nothing further. Investing billions of dollars for saying hi to someone who might not understand at all is definitely not a wise decision.  


Worse still, unknown creatures that receive humans' greetings may be more advanced and intelligent than inhabitants of the earth. What will happen at that time is more likely to be what people often see in science fiction movies nowadays. “The White House” is being attacked and Air Force One is shot down by missiles from unidentified flying objects". Intelligent species might not be willing to co-exist peacefully or harmoniously with other creatures whose civilization apparently lags way behind. Their greed drives them to use war to make the earth their colony offering whatever they need from this planet. If that happened, humans would be extinct, and the only survivors would live their lives in the zoos of those aliens.    


As it is mentioned above, possible outcomes of sending message to unknown life forms somewhere in the universe are what we humans cannot afford, nor what we cannot accept. Therefore, space technology is not what we should spend money on, as paying for the risks is never worth it.
